Thursday, November 4, 2010

My name is Jill Smith and I have a PROBLEM!!!!!

So I started this morning off like every other morning determined to eat no sugar and stick to fruits, veggies, and good carbs. My brother's wedding is in December. Okay, so I know I'm not the bride, but galore! I thought that this would be incentive enough to be strong.

Obviously not! Anyhow, I was secretly relieved that I couldn't find the scale this morning to see what a month of eating what I want and not moving could do. By noon, it was as if some unknown force was leading me as I was stirring a pound of melted butter into 3 cups of sugar in a trance like state making what??? More popcorn balls!!! For no reason other than I had finished all of the other ones from Halloween, and 'needed more'. Hey I've got an idea, why don't I just skip the chewing part and stuff them down my sweats (that I sport daily) over my butt and thighs? The chewing takes longer... I paused and, I really do have a problem. Why was I making another batch of popcorn balls? Scott and the kids don't even eat them for the love of everything holy! Harry would, but he just got braces! What kind of mother am I?

For those of you who see me in the flesh on a regular basis and may read this, the next time I complain about weight its Walker's fault or something, do me a favor...SLAP ME! I just took my camera right now, and without touching a thing this is what was laying around a 3 ft. radius. Enjoy...but trust me, you won't as much as I have:)

The forsaken balls....

To wash them down. At least its diet! Heard it helps with cellulite...perfect;)

My faves...low fat!?!?!?!?

Have you tried these? SO GOOD! They only come out once a year!!!

I proceded to peer into the fridge...oh, looky here!

I love love love egg nog...I'm noticing a trend...large quantities of low fat stuff
Mmm pudding... Do you love how far back the tomatoes are? I don't even remember buying them!

NO, your eyes are not deceiving you, there are 2 ice cream boxes and yay, 2 MORE scoops:) The tin foil thing on top? Used to be twice the size before last night. It is frozen cookie dough from my visiting teacher...bless her. At roughly 10pm I showed Scott the treasure and he, without hesitation ordered me to fire up the oven. I believe in being an obedient wife. Visting teaching truly does bless lives.


What is that building on the horizon...oh I think I recognize it...why yes, it is the gym. If I threw a rock I'd hit it. They don't know me there:( Yes this is taken from my backyard...shameful!)

Why a December wedding???? For the first time in my life I can't wait for the pressure of December to be over, then I can actually eat this stuff and enjoy it! Until then, I'll just eat it:)