My mom & dad with the kidlets at the Calgary Stampede breakfast.
Harry & Ava gettin' down with the country music!
Precious Regan...1 month old! I love her!
Scott & Harry went canoeing and hiking around Banff.
We took a little day trip to Bragg Creek area in Canada...beautiful!
Sorry it has been so long since I've posted anything. I'm in Canada with the kids recovering mentally, physically, and spiritually, from the delivery. Hang tight for a week or so until I get home to get pix from this vacation. The kids have had a blast. And Regan has grown so much! She is smiling and starting to sleep in longer stretches....YAHOO! For the love of everything holy, the newborn stage is miraculous and wonderful, as well as overwhelming and physically draining. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. A special shout out to Phyllis, my mom, the most patient, loving, kind human to ever walk the planet earth. Scott and I both know that our lives would be utter bloody chaos if it hadn't been for her tireless help these past 2 months.