Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day to all!!!

This quite possibly could go down as one of the best St. Patrick's Days ever. And the crazy thing is that we didn't even eat green or wear it purposely. Okay, confession, I think because it is spring break for my kids, I completely forgot about the green stuff. But by accident we celebrated fully with....A SLEEPOVER! With whom you might ask? Oh ya, my two brothers and their families who live here in the valley! It was just a hair brained idea that we followed through with and may I just say, we had a blast. I'm exhausted but the good kind of exhausted. We took the kids around the neighborhood on the four wheelers (I'm sure our neighbors loved us tearing up the little green belt at the park...all for the love of small children...who were in pj's the entire day!) No one wanted to ride with any other adult, they all wanted to ride with 'uncle Eldon', I wonder why??? Then when the kids got home, they were so hot Harry asked to put his feet in the pool, and ofcourse it only took a milisecond until the temptation was too minutes, all the kids minus 'the little guy' were neck deep. It was borderline disturbing watching them jump in then stop breathing for 30 seconds because of the arctic like temperatures. Thank you Greg and Eldon for finally giving in and potentially taking a year off of your mortal lives jumping in with the kids. THE WATER WAS FREEZING!!!! Kids couldn't care less about hypothermia! Anyhoo...the only thing missing ofcourse were our other family members on both sides. Scott and I always marvel at how blessed we feel to love each others families. It is truly heaven on earth having your family close~ Let's do it again soon guys!

Miss 'O' (Olivia) cruisin' around being her cute adorable self amidst utter chaos:Yes, the children took a dip in sub-zero temperatures. Literally, after the initial jump, their heads would surface and they couldn't take a breath for 30 seconds I swear! Yikes!

Add ImageI know Jodi will kill me for posting this picture of her prego but I had to get the adults supervising the chaos!

Greg also took an active roll in supervision before the big splash;)

Uncle Greg and Walkie Talkie (yes I swore I would never call him that, and I do...LOTS)

Miss Regan freezing in her Dora get-up!

Adorable kiddos! I pray Max and Andy never check this post as teenagers!

Eldon grilled up some mean chicken kebobs and steaks...YUMMMMM!

The kids just playing on the 4-wheelers one last time before bedtime!


Jenny Roberts said...

Woohoo! Love the post. Great st. Patty's day tradition - sleepover and four wheelers and a dip in the freezing pool. Sounds like something you should do every year.

Kirk said...

All I can say is that I'm offended that I wasn't invited to the sleep over. I swear I would've swam with the kids too had I been there. Next time, try doing it a little closer to Provo ;)

rjlee75 said...

Yo Jill - it's your old roommate Rachel. I know, surprise...I make such random appearances in your life. Totally digging the St. Patrick's Day tradition. It sounds like a fun time. Contrary to popular belief, my blood apparently doesn't run green under my Korean exterior because HELLO...I didn't know the holiday even passed me by. Yikes!

Suzy Hicks said...

Should I kill myself now or later? Looks like you guys had SOOOOOO much fun, I'm utterly and completely jealous! You already celebrate so many holidays with out me....are you really going to start St. Patrick's Day too? What's next...Yom Kippur? STOP ALREADY. I almost died seeing Walker, hello Harrison! I could hardly believe how much they look alike. I love you....if I don't answer next time you call, you won't have to wonder why, because I saw this post and went into a deep, bottomless depression.