Sunday, October 31, 2010

We love BOO and PARKER!

Suzy and Paker posing on Harry's 4 wheeler...don't worry ER trips:)

Regan and Parker...lovers, and fighters....mostly lovers:) This picture makes me cry.

Suzy and Parker
Just an FYI, ever since our whole family can remember, my sister Suzanna has had the nickname BOO. She'll never shake it.
Almost a month ago, I called my sister on a Monday morning and said, I just miss you! She replied with the same emotions. We hadn't seen each other since Christmas. I think with age and especially with the passing of our cousin, one realizes that life is precious, short, full of unexpected trials and tragedy. Sometimes logic and reason must fly out the window when the need arises to want to see each other. Miracles occured and with many saved airmiles from wonderfully kind doners, Suzy and Parker (her to die for son) came for almost a MONTH! So much fun! She was able this year to make the family cabin trip! Yay! We laughed, we cried, we hugged, we randomly hugged and cried just so happy to be together! (you are allowed to barf...but its true) It was so great to get to know little Parky better. It made me sad at the beginning of the trip how he would look at me like I was a complete stranger. By the time he left he would come to me and just sit and snuggle...okay just once, but if you knew the energy this kid had, it was a literal miracle!

I miss you Suz, but I have faith and hope that you will be my neighbor someday;) Thank you for coming and thank you for being such an amazing sister. I love you.


Suzy Hicks said...

I'm totally teary-eyed. Thanks for a special post about, well, me! Thanks for being the one to make this trip happen, who knew your phone call would change my life? I love you tons. Thanks for a great time.

Kari said...

I just heard she was in town and I didn't even get to see here ... SHAME!!! I don't even get to read her blog anymore cuz she went private and I never got an invite - guess that will show me, huh?!? I miss her, too!

smith family blog said...

Love the pix of Regan & Parker. I was with Boo when she took it & it wasn't an easy task. It seemed that just as we took the pix they'd drop hands in orcer for Parker to pick up a rock. It was worth the 10 that didn't work to get the one that did. Priceless!