Literally minutes before...I was taking this pic because I thought I'd do a post entitled "rub a dub dub" then things took a turn:)
Miss Ava in her own choice of beautiful clothing!
Nothing wrong with sword moves when feelin' the beat! Notice little cutie pie in the background...she's no walflower!
So I'm officially posting this on my blog so I can add even more pressure to myself! My gloves are off and I've finally decided to go for the gusto and get this baby weight off! I started my diet and training Monday. I'm doing this the good old fashioned slow and steady way so don't expect to see miracles in a month. (I'm just saying that for myself...again!) But I'm kind of excited about it and I've already lost 3 pounds this week! Even though that is extremely exciting...frankly, I'm not surprised at all. For the love of Pete I've been eating literally anything and everything that is in front of me, my kids are far too familiar with every fast food joint in the country, and when you wake up to your kid eating a sleeve of Oreo cookies and instead of punishing him, you join know there's a problem! So I knew that even if I thought about diet and exercise I'd lose weight. on my exercise program I was told to do 60 minutes of cardio, and I could split the time between machines if I wanted to. Well, I did, 20 mins. of biking, then 25 mins. on the treadmill and realized I wasn't going to have enough time to hit Sam's club before picking Ava up from preschool, so I promised myself I'd do something for 15 mins. later. As per usual, the day got away on me. I was giving the kids a bath and it dawned on me that I hadn't done anything and I knew Scott wouldn't be home tonight for me to leave. So, I pulled out the infamous Bon Jovi hit "It's my Life" (Phyllis' fave-my mom) and I'm not even kidding the kids and I danced our brains out! They started off buck naked (straight out of the bath) then Ava brought out a church dress and princess shoes. Harry would have been completely content naked, but I made him throw on unders. ('re 7 let's not dance nude okay??) Even little Regan was going nuts. I just watched their little bodies flayling about and thought...I cannot forget this moment. And hey...I swear I sweat more swinging them around than I did doing my stupid 45 mins. on machines and let me just say, I had WAY MORE FUN! This particular form of exercise I highly recommend. And just a plug for "Jon" the song is highly inspirational!
Jill you are awesome, your life is always exciting and full of fun! Good luck on your diet....that is great that you have already lost 3 pounds. Go you!!!
I love you! You are so flippin' funny! Way to go!
You're inspiring!!! take good notes since you will have to teach me in a few months!!! keep it 3 lbs a week you'll loose 30 lbs by the time i have my baby!
IT'S MY LIFE!!! I doesn't get any better than that. Harrison looks awesome on the chair.
That is too fun! What a cute family!! Sure miss your fun personality!
Jill, I love it!!! Brant and Jacob have started exercising with me some at home and it's the BEST! You know for sure that everytime you work out with them it'll never be the same!! You Go Girl!!
So inspiring, I will diet with you! Love the dancing too!
You go, girl!!! I'll keep checking in with you to see how it's going ... especially since I'm fighting the same battle right now ;) Glad to know you're excited about it!
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